Spondon Village Hall - Booking Enquiry

Please complete the following form to enquire about availability of the Village Hall or telephone the Hall Manager on 07906 373049. 

All fields on the form need to be completed. Please provide as much information as possible, in order that we can help you.

Please give as much information, with alternative choices so that we can offer you availability.
Please enter the start and finish times; ensure that you allow sufficient time for "setting up" at the start and "clearing down" at the finish.
Hirers are responsible for removing their own rubbish and returning the hall to the same state as the start of their hire.
If you are enquiring about a regular booking, please add details of required frequency (e.g. weekly)
For example, is your booking for a public event, group/club meeting, a private party/event etc
The maximum number of people at any one time in the main hall is 180 and the conference room is 20.
Reduced hiring rates are offered to existing SCA members. Read more about Membership
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