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Travel arrangements for Spondon Day - Saturday 28th June

There will be a whole host of the exciting activities happening in the village centre on Spondon Day on Saturday 28th June. The organisers are hoping to mount hugely successful event, which will attract many more people into Spondon, and help our thriving village centre to survive and prosper.

As part of the day, Sitwell Street will be closed to traffic during the day with alternative plans in place for buses and diversions for other traffic. The organisers of Spondon Day explain:

"As part of the day, Sitwell Street will be closed between 10am and 4.30pm. We have done this on the advice of the police and with full co-operation of the City Council and the affected bus companies. The road will only be inaccessible to traffic between the White Swan and the junction with Poplar Avenue. There will be no right turn from Chapel Street at the White Swan and access will be controlled at the junction with Lodge Lane.

Residents of Sitwell Street, Poplar Avenue, Ayr Close and Sitwell Close will have full access to their properties throughout the closure and the car parks in the village will be open as usual.

Because of this, there will be changes to the routes for the buses that normally travel through the village. The map below shows the alterations for the affected routes. It is not expected that there will be any impact on the timetables.

We appreciate that this will increase the traffic along South Avenue for a few hours. To help the bus companies we are asking residents of South Avenue to minimise any kerbside parking during this time.

Temporary (unmarked) stops on Locko Road (near the Vernon Arms) and South Avenue (at the end of the footpaths to Sitwell Street) will give access to and from the village centre.

We apologise for any inconvenience these changes may cause and hope that all will feel it is justified by the success of the day."

Alternate bus routes during Spondon Day: